Investment Incentives
Board of Investments (BOI) Incentives
Under Book I of the Omnibus Investments Code, an investor may enjoy certain benefits and incentives, provided he invests in preferred areas of investments found in the current Investment Priorities Plan (IPP).
The IPP, issued annually by the Board of Investments (BOI), is a list of promoted areas of investments eligible for government incentives in consultation with related government agencies and the private sector.
An enterprise may still be entitled to incentives even if the activity is not listed in the IPP so long as:
- at least 50% of production is for exports if Filipino-owned enterprise,; and
- at least 70% of production is for exports if majority foreign-owned enterprise (more than 40% foreign equity)
The BOI in certain instances as indicated in the IPP may completely or partially limit the incentives available to export products.
Under Book I of the Omnibus Investments Code, BOI-registered enterprises are given a number of incentives in the form of tax exemptions and concessions. These are:
- Fiscal Incentives
- Non-Fiscal Incentives
- Incentives for Regional Headquarters and Regional Operating Headquarters in the Philippines
Investment Priorities Plan
The 2007 Investment Priorities Plan (IPP) shall continuously support the Administration's vision of "Propelling the Nation to 1st World Country Status in 20 Years". It shall remain in representing the development thrust of the government for sustained and equitable economic growth as espoused in the 10-point agenda of the Macapagal-Arroyo administration. The IPP was prepared by the Board of Investments (BOI), as the national lead agency in promoting investments, in cooperation with concerned government agencies.
The 2007 IPP shall continue to focus on sustaining the economic momentum the country has attained while persistently pushing towards a strong, stable and sustainable republic. It shall carry on the task of fulfilling the realization of the Administration's goal of generating jobs, providing food and delivering basic services to the people.
This year's IPP contains the following list of priority areas:
The Preferred Activities covers the identified eleven (11) investment areas that were recommended by the concerned agencies and private sector to support their respective programs.
The Mandatory Inclusions covers all areas/activities where the inclusion in the IPP and/or the grant of incentives under E.O. 226 is mandated by law.
The Export Activities covers the manufacture of non-traditional export products and activities in support of Exporters.
The Project under the Retention, Expansion, and Diversification (R.E.D.) The program refers to activities of existing investors either considered as global players or engaged in strategic industries that are encouraged for retention, expansion or diversification of their operations in the country.
In general, activities under these lists shall be eligible to incentives prescribed under E.O. 226, as amended, subject to the General Policies and Specific Guidelines issued by the BOI.
This year's IPP will continue to utilize the Industry Cluster Approach to enhance industrial competitiveness, promote investments in the countryside, develop micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and support the One Town, One Product (OTOP) Program as it applies to the activities listed in the IPP. The modernization of existing activities, as well as the establishment and operation of Centers of Excellence and Training Institutions to support the human resources requirements of the preferred activities, are also encouraged.
Finally, the ARMM List covers priority areas that have been independently determined by the Regional Board of Investments (RBOI) of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) in accordance with E.O. 458. The economic activities listed in the ARMM shall be entitled to incentives only when said activities are undertaken within the ARMM region. However, the economic activities listed in the Preferred Activities, Mandatory Inclusions, Export Activities, and Projects under the R.E.D. Program, may also be undertaken within the ARMM.
The preparation and formulation of the 2007 IPP was undertaken through the concerted efforts of the IPP Inter-Agency Working Group headed by the Board of Investments (BOI), in coordination with the BOI-Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (BOI-ARMM), Presidential Management Staff (PMS), the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA), the Departments of Finance (DOF), Agriculture (DA), Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Transportation and Communications (DOTC), Tourism (DOT), Energy (DOE), Science and Technology (DOST), National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC), Education (DepED), National Book Development Board (NBDB), Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA), Export Development Council (EDC), and Trade and Industry (DTI). Consultative meetings with various government agencies were held including Public hearings attended by representatives from various sectors in Manila, Cebu, and Davao.
Fiscal Incentives
A. Income Tax Holiday
- The BOI-registered enterprise shall be exempt from the payment of income taxes reckoned from the scheduled start of commercial operations, as follows:
- New projects with a pioneer status for six (6) years;
- New projects with a non-pioneer status for four (4) years;
- Expansion projects for three (3) years. As a general rule, the exemption is limited to incremental sales revenue/volume;
- New or expansion projects in less developed areas (LDAs) for six (6) years, regardless of status;
- Modernization projects for three (3) years. As a general rule, the exemption is limited to incremental sales revenue/volume.
- Newly registered pioneer and non-pioneer enterprises and those located in LDAs may avail themselves of a bonus year in each of the following cases:
- the indigenous raw materials used in the manufacture of the registered product must at least be fifty percent (50%) of the total cost of raw materials for the preceding years prior to the extension unless the Board prescribes a higher percentage;
- the ratio of total imported and domestic capital equipment to the number of workers for the project does not exceed US$10,000 to one (1) worker; or
- the net foreign exchange savings or earnings amount to at least US$500,000 annually during the first three (3) years of operation. In no case shall the registered pioneer firm avail of the ITH for a period exceeding eight (8) years.
B. Exemption From Taxes And Duties On Imported Spare Parts
A registered enterprise with a bonded manufacturing warehouse shall be exempt from customs duties and national internal revenue taxes on its importation of required supplies/spare parts for consigned equipment or those imported with incentives.
C. Exemption From Wharfage Dues And Export Tax, Duty, Impost And Fees
All enterprises registered under the IPP will be given a 10-year period from date of registration to avail of the exemption from wharfage dues and any export tax, impost and fees on its non-traditional export products.
D. Reduction of the Rates of Duty on Capital Equipment, Spare Parts and Accessories by virtue by Virtue of E.O. 528
Effective June 17, 2006, BOI-registered enterprises of good standing with project registered as new or expanding under Executive Order 226, otherwise known as the Omnibus Investments Code of 1987, may import machinery, equipment, spare parts and accessories subject to 0% duty for BOI-registered enterprises, classified under AHTN Chapters 40, 59,68,69, 70, 73, 76,82,83,84,85,87,89,90,91 and 96 of the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines.
The capital equipment incentive provided under the E.O 528 shall be availed of by the registered enterprise for a period of 5 years from its effectivity or until 17 June 2011.
E. Tax Exemption On BreedingStocks And Genetic Materials
Agricultural producers will be exempt from the payment of all taxes and duties on their importation of breeding stocks and genetic materials within 10 years from the date of registration or commercial operation.
F. Tax Credits
- Tax credit on tax and duty portion of domestic breeding stocks and genetic materials; a tax credit equivalent to 100% of the value of national internal revenue taxes and customs duties on local breeding stocks within 10 years from date of registration or commercial operation for agricultural producers.
- Tax credit on raw materials and supplies. A tax credit equivalent to the national internal revenue taxes and duties paid on raw materials, supplies and semi-manufacture of export products and forming part thereof shall be granted to a registered enterprise.
G. Additional Deductions from Taxable Income</u
- Additional deduction for labor expense (ADLE). For the first 5 years from registration, a registered enterprise shall be allowed an additional deduction from taxable income equivalent to 50% of the wages of additional skilled and unskilled workers in the direct labor force. The incentive shall be granted only if the enterprise meets a prescribed capital to labor ratio and shall not be availed of simultaneously with the ITH. This additional deduction shall be doubled if the activity is located in an LDA.
- Additional deduction for necessary and major infrastructure works. Registered enterprises locating in LDAs or in areas deficient in infrastructure, public utilities and other facilities may deduct from their taxable income an amount equivalent to the expenses incurred in the development of necessary and major infrastructure works. The privilege, however, is not granted to mining and forestry-related projects, as they would naturally be located in certain areas to be near their sources of raw materials.
Non-Fiscal Incentives
A. Employment of Foreign Nationals
A registered enterprise may be allowed to employ foreign nationals in supervisory, technical or advisory positions for 5 years from date of registration, extendible for limited periods at the discretion of the Board. The positions of President, General Manager and Treasurer of foreign-owned registered enterprises (more than 40%) or their equivalent shall, however, not be subject to the foregoing limitations.
B. Simplification of Customs Procedures
This applies for the importation of equipment, spare parts, raw materials and supplies and exports of processed products.
C. Privilege to Operate a Bonded Manufacturing/Trading Warehouse
Incentives are subject to rules and regulations.
Incentives for Regional Headquarters (RHQ) and Regional Operating Headquarters (ROHQ) in the Philippines
RHQ is entitled to the following incentives:
Fiscal Tax Incentives
- Tax and duty-free importation
- Exemption from all kinds of local taxes, fees or charges
- Equipment and training materials not locally available
- Equipment disposed within two (2) years after importation (subject to payment of taxes and duties)
- Importation of brand new motor vehicles (subject to payment of taxes and duties)
Non-Fiscal Tax Incentives for Expatriates
- Multiple Entry Visa
- For expatriates, including their spouse and unmarried children below the age of twenty-one (21)
- Exemption from payment of fees except for reasonable administrative costs
- Exemption from securing Alien Certificate of Registration
- Non-immigrant visa will be processed within seventy-two (72) hours upon submission of requirements to the Bureau of Immigration (BI)
- Preferential tax rate of 15% on salaries, annuities, and other types of compensation applicable for expatriates
- Travel tax exemption
- Tax and duty-free importation of used household goods and personal effects
ROHQ can avail of the following incentives:
Fiscal Tax Incentives
- Exemption from all kinds of local taxes, fees or charges (except real property tax on land improvements and equipment)
- Tax and duty-free importation of equipment and materials for training and conferences
- Equipment and training materials not locally available
- Equipment disposed within two (2) years after importation (subject to payment of taxes and duties)
- Importation of brand new motor vehicles (subject to payment of taxes and duties)
Exemptions common for both RHQ and ROHQ:
Non-Fiscal Tax Incentives for Expatriates
- Multiple Entry Visa
- For expatriates, including their spouse and unmarried children below the age of twenty-one (21)
- Exemption from payment of fees except for reasonable administrative costs
- Exemption from securing Alien Certificate of Registration
- Non-immigrant visa will be processed within seventy-two (72) hours upon submission of requirements to the Bureau of Immigration (BI)
- Preferential tax rate of 15% on salaries, annuities, and other types of compensation applicable for expatriates
- Travel tax exemption
- Tax and duty-free importation of used household goods and personal effects
Board of Investments (BOI)
Industry & Investments Bldg.
385 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue
Makati City 1200, Philippines
Tel No.: (632) 897-6682; 890-1332; 895-3641
Ms. Celestina B. Ilagan, Executive Director
Phone Number : (632)896-9212
Fax Number : (632) 897-2181
Ms. Maria Teresita S. Santiago, Director
Phone Number : (632) 895-8322
Fax Number : (632) 895-8322
Ms. Ma. Corazon Halili-Dichosa, Director
Phone Number : (632) 896-8907
Fax Number : (632) 895-3521
Mr. Dennis R. Miralles, Director
Phone Number : (632) 896-4179
Fax. No : (632) 890-9307
Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) Incentives
Economic Zone Export Manufacturing Enterprise
1) Income Tax Holiday (ITH) 100% exemption from corporate income tax
4 years ITH for Non-pioneer Project
6 years ITH for Pioneer Project ITH Extension years may be granted if Project complies with the following criteria, (one criterion is equivalent to one ITH extension year), provided that the total ITH entitlement period shall not exceed eight (8) years:
The average net foreign exchange earnings of the project for the first three (3) years of operations is at least US$500,000.00 and,
The capital equipment to labor ratio of the project does not exceed US$10,000.00 to 1 for the year immediately preceding the ITH extension year being applied for.
The average cost of indigenous raw materials used in the manufacture of the registered product is at least fifty percent (50%) of the total cost of raw materials for the preceding years prior to the ITH extension year.
3 years ITH for Expansion project (ITH applies to incremental sales)
2) Upon expiry of the Income Tax Holiday - 5% Special Tax on Gross Income and exemption from all national and local taxes(Gross Income refers to gross sales or gross revenues derived from the registered activity, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances and minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deduction is made for administrative expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period)
3) Tax and duty-free importation of raw materials, capital equipment, machinery, and spare parts.
4) Exemption from wharfage dues and export tax, impost or fees
5) VAT zero-rating of local purchases subject to compliance with BIR and PEZA requirements
6) Exemption from payment of any and all local government imposts, fees, licenses or taxes. However, while under Income Tax Holiday, no exemption from the real estate tax, but machinery installed and operated in the economic zone for manufacturing, processing or for industrial purposes shall be exempt from real estate taxes for the first three (3) years of operation of such machinery. Production equipment not attached to real estate shall be exempt from real property taxes
7) Exemption from expanded withholding tax
Information Technology Enterprise
1) Income Tax Holiday (ITH) 100% exemption from corporate income tax:
4 years ITH for Non-pioneer project
6 years ITH for Pioneer project ITH Extension year may be granted if Project complies with the following criteria (one criterion is equivalent to one ITH extension year,), provided that the total ITH entitlement period shall not exceed eight (8) years:
The average net foreign exchange earnings of the project for the first three (3) years of operations is at least US$500,000.00 and,
The capital equipment to labor ratio of the project does not exceed US$10,000.00 to 1 for the year immediately preceding the ITH extension year being applied for.
3 years ITH for Expansion project (ITH applies to incremental sales)
2) Upon expiry of the Income Tax Holiday - 5% Special Tax on Gross Income and exemption from all national and local taxes. (Gross Income refers to gross sales or gross revenues derived from the registered activity, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances and minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deduction is made for administrative expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period)
3) Tax and duty-free importation of equipment and parts.
4) Exemption from wharfage dues on import shipments of equipment.
5) Exemption from payment of any and all local government imposts, fees, licenses or taxes. However, while under Income Tax Holiday, no exemption from the real estate tax, but machinery installed and operated in the economic zone for manufacturing, processing or for industrial purposes shall not be subject to payment of real estate taxes for the first three (3) years of operation of such machinery. Production equipment not attached to the real estate shall be exempt from real property taxes.
6) Exemption from expanded withholding tax.
7) Simplified import and export procedures
8) Other incentives under Executive Order 226 (Omnibus Investment Code of 1987), as may be determined by the PEZA Board
Tourism Economic Zone Locator Enterprise
1) Four (4) years of Income Tax Holiday ITH (as qualified under the National Investment Priorities Plan)
2) Upon expiry of the Income Tax Holiday - 5% Special Tax on Gross Income and exemption from all national and local taxes (Gross Income refers to gross sales or gross revenues derived from the registered activity, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances and minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deduction is made for administrative expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period)
3) Tax and duty-free importation of capital equipment
4) VAT Zero Rating on local purchases of goods and services, including land-based telecommunications, electric power, and water bills
5) Exemption from expanded withholding tax
Medical Tourism Enterprise
1) Four (4) years of Income Tax Holiday on income solely from servicing foreign patients
2) Upon expiry of the Income Tax Holiday - 5% Special Tax on Gross Income upon in lieu of all national and local taxes. (Gross Income refers to gross sales or gross revenues derived from the registered activity, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances and minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deduction is made for administrative expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period)
3) Tax and duty-free importation of medical equipment, including spare parts and equipment supplies, required for the technical viability and operation of the registered activity/ies of the enterprise.
4) VAT Zero Rating on local purchases of goods and services, including land-based telecommunications, electric power, and water bills
5) Exemption from expanded withholding tax
Agro-Industrial Economic Zone Enterprise
1) Four (4) years of Income Tax Holiday
2) Upon expiry of the Income Tax Holiday - 5% Special Tax on Gross Income and exemption from all national and local taxes. (Gross Income refers to gross sales or gross revenues derived from the registered activity, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances and minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deduction is made for administrative expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period)
3) Tax and duty-free importation of production equipment and machinery, breeding stocks, farm implements including spare parts and supplies of the equipment and machinery
4) Exemption from export taxes, wharfage dues, impost and fees
5) VAT Zero Rating on local purchases of goods and services, including land-based telecommunications, electric power, and water bills
6) Exemption from payment of local government fees such as Mayor's Permit, Business Permit, permit on the Exercise of profession/Occupation/Calling, Health Certificate Fee, Sanitary Inspection Fee, and Garbage Fee
Economic Zone Developer / Operator
1) Manufacturing Economic Zone Developer / Operator
Special 5% Tax on Gross Income and exemption from all national and local taxes, except real property tax on land owned by the Economic Zone Developer. (Gross Income refers to gross sales or gross revenues derived from the registered activity, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances and minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deduction is made for administrative expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period)
VAT Zero rating of local purchases
Exemption from expanded withholding tax
2) IT Park Developer / Operator
Special 5% Tax on Gross Income and exemption from all national and local taxes, except real property tax on land owned by the IT Park Developer. (Gross Income refers to gross sales or gross revenues derived from the registered activity, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances and minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deduction is made for administrative expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period)
VAT Zero rating of local purchases
Exemption from expanded withholding tax
3) Tourism Economic Zone Developer / Operator
Special 5% Tax on Gross Income and exemption from all national and local taxes, except real property tax on land owned by the Tourism Economic Zone Developer. (Gross Income refers to gross sales or gross revenues derived from the registered activity, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances and minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deduction is made for administrative expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period)
VAT Zero rating of local purchases
Exemption from expanded withholding tax
4) Medical Tourism Economic Zone Developer / Operator
Special 5% Tax on Gross Income and exemption from all national and local taxes, except real property tax on land owned by Medical Tourism Zone Developer. (Gross Income refers to gross sales or gross revenues derived from the registered activity, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances and minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deduction is made for administrative expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period)
VAT Zero rating of local purchases
Exemption from expanded withholding tax
5) Agro-Industrial Economic Zone Developer / Operator
Special 5% Tax on Gross Income and exemption from all national and local taxes, except real property tax on land owned by the Agro-Industrial Economic Zone Developer. (Gross Income refers to gross sales or gross revenues derived from the registered activity, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances and minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deduction is made for administrative expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period)
VAT Zero rating of local purchases
Exemption from expanded withholding tax
6) Retirement Economic Zone Developer / Operator
Special 5% Tax on Gross Income and exemption from all national and local taxes, except real property tax on land owned by the Retirement Economic Zone Developer. (Gross Income refers to gross sales or gross revenues derived from the registered activity, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances and minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deduction is made for administrative expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period)
VAT Zero rating of local purchases
Exemption from expanded withholding tax
Facilities Enterprises
1) Economic Zone Facilities Enterprise
Special 5% Tax on Gross Income and exemption from all national and local taxes, except real property tax on land owned by developers. (Gross Income refers to gross sales or gross revenues derived from the registered activity, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances and minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deduction is made for administrative expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period)
VAT Zero rating of local purchases
Exemption from expanded withholding tax
2) IT Park Facilities Enterprise
Special 5% Tax on Gross Income and exemption from all national and local taxes, except real property tax on land owned by developers. (Gross Income refers to gross sales or gross revenues derived from the registered activity, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances and minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deduction is made for administrative expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period)
VAT Zero rating of local purchases
Exemption from expanded withholding tax
3) Retirement Economic Zone Facilities Enterprise
Special 5% Tax on Gross Income and exemption from all national and local taxes, except real property tax on land owned by developers. (Gross Income refers to gross sales or gross revenues derived from the registered activity, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances and minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deduction is made for administrative expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period)
VAT Zero rating of local purchases
Exemption from expanded withholding tax
Economic Zone Utilities Enterprise
1) Special 5% Tax on Gross Income and exemption from all national and local taxes, except real property tax on land owned by developers. (Gross Income refers to gross sales or gross revenues derived from the registered activity, net of sales discounts, sales returns and allowances and minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any deduction is made for administrative expenses or incidental losses during a given taxable period)
2) VAT Zero rating of local purchases
3) Exemption from expanded withholding tax
PEZA Zone Industrial Estates in Bulacan
Philippine Economic Zone Authority
Roxas Boulevard corner San Luis Street,
Pasay City, Philippines
Tel No.: (632) 551-3454; 551-3455
Fax: (632) 891-6380
The Provincial Government of Bulacan grants incentives to investment projects that are included in the investment priority areas. These incentives complement the attractive national government incentives and privileges granted by the Board of Investments (BOI) and the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA).
One-Stop Investment Assistance Center
The creation of the One-Stop Investment Assistance Center in the province is among the non-fiscal incentives offered to investors. The Center serves as the investment promotion arm of the provincial government in providing assistance to investors and support to priority industry groups. It facilitates the application of qualified investors for the Bulacan Investment Incentive. It supports the municipalities and local counterparts in their efforts to facilitate the investment-friendly environment.
Who May Avail
To avail of the Provincial Incentives, the interested business must comply with the following:
1) That the existing enterprise whose place of operation or production is already situated within the territorial jurisdiction of the Province of Bulacan;
2) Must have complied with all the requirements mandated by existing local and national laws;
3) That the business falls under the investment priority areas or any of the following activities:
- Labor Generating Enterprises;
- Enterprise to be established in identified growth sub-center in the province in accordance with the approved provincial physical framework plan;
- Manufacturing enterprises using indigenous materials;
- Electronics Enterprises;
- Tourism Oriented Enterprises;
- Pioneering Enterprises;
- Service-Oriented Enterprises;
- Water and Power Resources Development Enterprises;
- Telecommunications Development Enterprises; or
- Agribusiness Enterprises;
4) Expand its existing production facilities such as the construction of new buildings, installation of new machinery and equipment or improvements thereof which will result in an increase in production; and
5) Must have an additional investment of not less than P50M.
Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion Division
Provincial Cooperative and Economic Development Office (PCEDO)
Provincial Capitol Compound, Malolos City, Bulacan 3000 Philippines
Tels: +63(44) 791-0884
Contact: Atty. Jayric L. Amil, Department Head (OIC)