Bulacan Medical Center
Bulacan Medical Center, an institution dedicated to the delivery of quality health care to the Bulakeños, commits itself to the pursuit of excellence through:
- Provision of affordable, accessible, appropriate and acceptable services
- The development of innovative strategies to upgrade health service
- Provision of training program aimed to produce compassionate and proficient health care providers
- Involvement in medical research responsive to the provincial/national health needs
- Promotion of healthy lifestyle through health education and health information campaign
- Promotion of clean and safe environment
- Partnership with the LGU's, NGO's and the community
BMC is a premier service, teaching & training institution in Bulacan, a center of wellness and hope for the sick, providing quality care, through its committed, competent, efficient and patient friendly health workers moving together with the community towards a healthy progressive province.
- Develops and implements an efficient, effective provincial health services program
- Formulates and implements policies, measures, rules, regulations, guidelines including standards for management, administration, supervision, monitoring and evaluation of health services programs and projects
- Executes and enforces all laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to public health
- Exercises general provision over all health offices of component cities and municipalities
- Develops, implements or causes the implementation of monitoring and inspection standards for all concerned establishments consistent with the provisions of the Sanitation Code
- Coordinates and links with other government agencies and non-government organizations involved in the promotion and delivery of health services
- Makes available to the general public health information, and renders health intelligence services
Bulacan Medical Center (BMC) is a Level 3- DOH Accredited tertiary, teaching and training hospital located at the center of Malolos City, Bulacan. It was initially built merely as a 25-bed capacity as Bulacan Provincial Hospital whose main objective is to deliver quality health care for Bulakeños. With the passage of the Republic Act No. 7169 on 1991, otherwise known as the Local Government Code, devolution of health services was mandated, hence the transfer of the jurisdiction of the Bulacan Provincial Hospital to the Local Government Unit. Since then, full support from the Provincial Government of Bulacan was extended to the hospital. From a mere 25-bed capacity it has a grown into a 300-bed capacity hospital. The services were departmentalized. With the passage of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan Resolution No. 124 T 08 dated June 18, 2008, the Bulacan Provincial Hospital came to be known as the Bulacan Medical Center.
Continuous expansions and renovations were initiated by different leaderships. Long term medical manpower development program resulted to the accreditation of the four major departments, Medical, OB-Gyne, Pediatrics and Surgery. Each Department has clinical ward minimum of 50 beds each to address the needs of their respective patients.
There are also special areas: Operating Room, Recovery Room, Medical and Neurological Intensive Care Units (ICU), Neonatal ICU (NICU), Pediatric ICU (PICU), Labor Room (LR) and Delivery Room (DR), available wherein patients can be provided of the necessary medical treatment, equipment and facilities.
Modern facilities with brand new equipments were provided continuously by the Provincial Government of Bulacan. New services such as eye surgeries can now be done with the acquisition of an operating microscope.
Hence, the BULACAN MEDICAL CENTER became known as a tertiary, training, teaching and referral center in the region.
The Bulacan Medical Center is the sole tertiary state-owned hospital in the province of Bulacan under the Provincial Government. Our hospital is the premiere referral center for the province and we are able to see an abundance of complicated cases that many times need the management of multiple specialties.
In-Patient Service
The In-Patient Services consist of 4 major Clinical Department, namely: Pediatric, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology and Internal Medicine. Each department have clinical wards to address the need of their respective patients.
There are also special areas: Operating Room, Recovery Room, Medical and Neurological Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Neonatal ICU (NICU), Pediatric ICU (PICU), Labor Room (LR) and Delivery Room (DR), available wherein patients can be provided of the necessary medical treatment, equipment and facilities.
Out-Patient Services
The Out-Patient Department provides health care services to ambulatory patients that do not require hospitalization but with injuries, illnesses to be seen by professionals.
It provides services and facilities for medical diagnosis and treatment. Out-Patient services are scheduled as follows:
SURGERY | 8:00AM – 12:00NN | MONDAY - FRIDAY |
OB / GYNE | 8:00AM – 3:00PM | MONDAY - FRIDAY |
ENT (EARS, NOSE, THROAT) | 8:00AM – 11:00AM
1:00PM –3:00PM |
OPHTHA | 8:00AM – 5:00PM | MONDAY - FRIDAY |
PSYCH (NEW) | 8:00AM – 12:00NN | TUESDAY |
PSYCH (OLD&NEW) | 8:00AM – 12:00NN | THURSDAY |
DENTAL | 8:00AM – 5:00PM | MONDAY - FRIDAY |
Emergency Room
Emergency Room is ready to provide 24 hour service to patients requiring urgent medical treatment. Emergency Room is located at the entrance of the OPD Complex. It is equipped with 19 beds, ready oxygen, ECG machine, aerosol unit, cardiac defibrillator and oral rehydration corner.
Beside are the laboratory unit and pharmacy unit for easy access to clinical medicines.
Laboratory Services
The Laboratory Department is composed of different sections, namely the Blood Bank, Hematology, Clinical Microscopy, Clinical Chemistry, Surgical Pathology, Microbiology and RHIVda. The Bulacan Medical Center GeneXpert Laboratory and the Bulacan Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory caters the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) testing using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and can also be used to test gathered specimens for TB, flu, HIV and Hepatitis B and C by using PCR, DNA and RNA that can be quantified and be used to detect the presence of specific virus or bacterium.
Prices (click the image below)
The Hospital Pharmacy serves the need of the patients whether treated in the hospital or walk-in customers. It provides the adequate supply of safe, effective, good quality and affordable drugs and medicines 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Prices of Medicines (click the image below)
The Department of Radiology is an ancillary department of BMC, equipped with state of the art equipments and facilities to efficiently perform the diagnostic needs of patients. These include: basic x-ray services, Spiral computed tomography (CT-SCAN), Ultrasound and 2D-Echo service.
Prices of Radiology Services (click the image below)
Biopsy Processing
LEVEL I Php 500.00
- Calculi
- Cytology- 1000
- Fetus
- Foreign body
- Foreskin, newborn
- Lens
- Nail
- Teeth
LEVEL II Php 1,500.00
- Appendix
- Abortion (small volume)
- Abscess
- Anus, tag
- Excess skin / flap
- Fallopian tubes (BTL)
- Fingers/toes, amputation, traumatic
- Fissure/fistula
- Gallbladder
- Ganglion cyst
- Hematoma
- Hemorrhoids
- Hernial sac, an location
- Hydrocele sac
- Necrotic skin or soft tissue
- Nerve
- Orchiectomy, non-tumor
- Skin-cyst/tag
- Spermatocoele
- Sympathetic ganglion
- Tendon/tendon sheath Vaginal mucosa, incidental
- Vas deferens sterilization
- Vesicular Tx
LEVEL III Php 2,500.00
- Aneurysm-arterial/ventricular
- Artery, atheromatous plaque
- Bartholin's gland cyst
- Bone fragment(s), other than pathologic fracture
- Breast biopsy (small/medium)
- Bursa/synovial cyst
- Carpal tunnel tissue
- Cartilage, laminectomy
- Cervix (biopsy)
- Cholesteatoma
- Colon, colostomy stoma
- Conjunctiva-pterygium
- Cornea
- Diverticulum-esophagus/small bowel
- Dupuytren's contracture tissues
- Endocervix, curettings/ Endometrium, curettings/biopsy (1 bottle)
- Endometrial Tissue
- Fallopian Tube Poc
- Femoral head, other than fracture
- Foreskin, other than newborn
- Gastric Mass
- Hydatid of morgagni
- Intervertebral disc
- Joint, loose body
- Mass (Small)
- Meniscus
- Mucocoele, salivary
- Neuroma-Morton' s/traumatic
- Pilonidal cyst/sinus
- Polyps, inflammatory-nasal/sinusoidal
- Soft tissue mass
- Testicular appendage
- Thrombus or embolus
- Tonsil and/or adenoids
- Ulcer edge
- Vaginal Wall
- Varicocoele
- Vas deferens, other than sterilization
- Vein, varicosi
LEVEL IV Php 3,500.00
- Abortion (large volume/suction curettage)
- Artery, biopsy
- Bone marrow, biopsy
- Bone exostosis
- Brain/meninges, other than for tumor resection
- Breast, biopsy (big/multiple)
- Breast core needle biopsy Breast, reduction mammoplasty
- Bronchus, biopsy
- Colon, biopsy
- Conjunctiva, biopsy
- Duodenum, biopsy
- Endocervix, curettings/ Endometrium, curettings/biopsy (2 bottles)
- Esophagus, biopsy (EGD)
- Extremity, amputation, traumatic
- Fallopian tube, ectopic pregnancy
- Femoral head, fracture
- Fingers/toes, amputation, non-traumatic Gingiva/oral mucosa, biopsy
- Heart valve
- Joint, resection
- Larynx, biopsy
- Leiomyoma(s), uterine myomectomy — without uterus
- Lip, biopsy/wedge resection
- Lung, transbronchial biopsy
- Lymph node, biopsy
- Mass (medium)
- Myoma
- Muscle biopsy
- Nasal mucosa, biopsy
- Nasopharynx/oropharynx, biopsy
- Nerve, biopsy
- Odontogenic/dental cyst
- Omentum, biopsy
- Ovary with or without tube, non-neoplastic
- Ovary, biopsy/wedge resection
- Parathyroid gland
- Peritoneum, biopsy
- Pituitary tumor
- Placenta, other than third trimester
- Pleura/pericardium-biopsy/tissue
- Polyp, cervical/endometrial
- Polyp, colorectal
- Polyp, stomach/small bowel
- Prostate, needle biopsy Salivary gland, biopsy
- Prostatic chips
- Scrotum
- Sinus, paranasal biopsy
- Skin, other than cyst/tag necrotic skin/skin flap
- Small intestine, biopsy
- Soft tissue, other than tumor/ mass/ lipoma/ necrotic soft tissue
- Spleen
- Stomach, biopsy
- Synovium
- Testis, other than tumor/biopsy/castration
- Thyroglossal duct/branchial cleft cyst
- Tongue, biopsy
- Tonsil, biopsy
- Trachea, biopsy
- Ureter, biopsy
- Urethra, biopsy
- Urinary bladder, biopsy
- Uterus, with or without tubes and ovaries, for prolapse
- Vagina, biopsy
- Vulva/labia, biopsy
LEVEL V Php 5,000.00
- Adrenal, resection
- Bone-biopsy/curetting
- Bone fragment(s), pathologic fracture
- Brain, biopsy
- Brain/meninges tumor resection
- Breast, mastectomy — partial/simple
- Cervix, conization
- Colon, segmental resection, other than for tumor
- Extremity, amputation, non-traumatic
- Eye, enucleation
- Hand
- Kidney, partial/total nephrectomy
- Larynx, partial/total resection
- Liver, biopsy — needle/wedge
- Liver, partial resection
- Lung, wedge biopsy
- Lymph nodes, regional resection
- Mass (large)
- Mediastinum, mass
- Myocardium, biopsy
- Odontogenic tumor
- Ovary with or without tube, neoplastic
- Pancreas, biopsy
- Placenta, third trimester
- Prostate (TURP, biopsy), except radical resection
- Salivary gland
- Small intestine, resection, other than for tumor
- Soft tissue mass (except lipoma) — biopsy/simple excision
- Stomach — subtotal/total resection, other than for tumor
- Testis, biopsy
- Thymus, tumor
- Thyroid, total/lobectomy
- Ureter, tumor
- Urinary bladder,
- Uterus, with or without tubes and ovaries, other than neo lastic/ rola se TAHBSO
LEVEL VI Php 7,000.00
- Bone resection
- Breast, mastectomy — with regional lymph nodes
- Colon, segmental resection for tumor
- Colon, total resection
- Esophagus, partial/total resection Extremity, disarticulation
- Fetus, with dissection
- Frozen
- Larynx, partial/total resection — with regional lymph nodes
- Lung — total/lobe/segment resection
- Pancreas, total/subtotal resection
- Prostate, radical resection
- Radical neck dissection
- Small intestine, resection for tumor
- Soft tissue tumor, excessive resection
- Stomach — subtotal/total resection for tumor
Testis, radical - Tongue/tonsil — resection for tumor
- Urinary bladder, partial/total resection Uterus, with or without tubes and ovaries, neoplastic (Extrafascial Hysterectomy,
BLIND) - Vulva, total/subtotal resection
- While's operations specimen
- Staging TAHBSO
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Unit
Offers comprehensive inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services to all patient populations diagnosed with neurologic and musculoskeletal injuries. These include stroke, movement disorders, spinal cord injuries, and sports injuries, among others. Patients are evaluated by board-certified PMR physicians who prescribe programs and exercises aimed at helping patients recover from such injuries and disabilities.
Eye Center
Proficiently focus on eye diseases and help lower the statistics of blindness among Filipinos. It was established with the hope of providing a specialty facility capable of delivering outpatient diagnostic and interventional procedures to efficiently manage common eye disorders.
Dialysis Unit
Provides the most optimum care specially targeted towards patients with acute and end-stage renal failure. It employs an approach for the general management and treatment of kidney diseases. Equipped with advanced renal care technologies under the supervision of well trained health professionals.
Oncology Unit
Follows an approach to cancer prevention, detection, management, and treatment. Patients receiving chemotherapy and radiation are overseen by registered nurses specially trained in the unique aspects of managing the oncology patient.
Luntiang Silong
A DOH-designated HIV treatment hub advocating nurture & guardianship, support, interests & lifetime treatment. It offers free HIV testing, ARV distribution, STI diagnosis & management, free condoms and lubricants, and referrals.
A diagnostic and therapeutic unit that caters patients diagnosed with TB or suspected of having TB. The clinic operates by the standard protocol of the Department of Health and World Health Organization.
Prices of Other Services (click the image below)
Dr. Angelito D. Trinidad
Chief of Hospital (OIC)
Mailing Address:
Bulacan Medical Center
City of Malolos, Bulacan 3000 Philippines
Tel: +63(44) 791-0630
Email: bmc@bulacan.gov.ph