General Info
Basic Information you need to know about Bulacan
Teodoro Sandico (1900-1901)
Teodoro Sandico was born in Pandacan, Manila on March 31, 1860. After earning his Bachelor of Arts degree, he had to go to Hong Kong to escape the friars' anger because he advocated revolution and was very vocal against the abuses of the clergy.
He went to Spain to study Law and helped Marcelo H. del Pilar in his La Solidaridad. Being very fluent in Spanish, he became a translator and teacher.
Like most well-off-gentlemen, he was able to visit many countries like France, Brussels, England. He settled for a while in Liege where he opened a bicycle shop. He was able to bring home arms and ammunitions using Cavite as a point of entry. This was a great help to the revolutionary movement.
He became the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Secretary of Interior and became a Brigadier General of the Revolutionary Government. After the war he managed the cigarette factories katubusan and La Paz of Buen Viaje.
He was the founder of Partido Nacionalista.
Though not a native of Bulacan, he was considered as one. He stayed long in Bulacan and was a teacher in a school that was built through the bravery of the women of Malolos. He was first married to Encarnacion Santillan, a well known revolutionary priest. He next married one of the women of Malolos when his wife died.
He was a delegate to the 1934-1935 Constitutional Assembly. He was also a delegate to the Philippine Commission and represented Bulacan, Tarlac and Pampanga in 1919-1931.
He died of heart attack in his home at San Juan Rizal on October 19, 1939.
Sandico's Term
He was elected governor in February 1906.
During his incumbency the Bulacan High School building was built in the provincial grounds donated by Don Antonio Bautista.
A monument of Marcelo H. del Pilar was accepted by him on March 28, 1909.
August 22, 1906 - He was elected head of the Partido Independista Nacional Imediesta. The parties later on merged to form the Nacionalista Party.
January 26, 1908 - a banquet was given to Mariano Ponce at the house of Don Antonio Bautista.
He ordered the planting of acacia trees along the provincial roads.
Artesian wells were also constructed in many Bulacan towns.
1908 - medicinal water from Marilao well was discovered.
1909 - Pulilan residents led by Eugenio Tiangco made representations to Sandico to separate Pulilan from Quingua.