General Info
Basic Information you need to know about Bulacan
Pablo Tecson (1902-1906)
Pablo Tecson was born on July 4, 1859 in San Miguel de Mayumo province of Bulacan. He begun his studies in San Miguel and later at the San Juan de Letran where he finished his Bachelor of Arts.
He served at the Pahayagan Patnubay ng Catolico, published in April 1890. Father Maria Gil was editor, Mariano Sevilla, Joaquin Tecson, Juan Evangelista, Pascual Poblete, Modesto Santiago and Gabriel Francisco formed the staff.
He was one of the founders of Katipunan's Balangay Arao in San Miguel. He participated in the attack of the garrison in San Miguel and San Rafael. He was the Brigadier General of the Brigada del Pilar. He became a delegate to the Malolos Congress representing the province of Cagayan. During the deliberations, he was the one that broke the tie and made the separation of the church and state final.
After the Philippine – American war, he was appointed governor of Bulacan and was name delegate of the Philippine Commission World Fair in 1904. He resigned from government service in 1906 and went to farming. He was of the first to promote silk culture industry and because of this he was named Secretary of Agriculture. He donated the land for the use of the Constabulary Station in San Miguel, Bulacan. He died in 1993.
Pablo Tecson Incumbency 1902 – Assessment of lands and houses was ordered. 1904 – The Ley Rentas Internas was passed and many people objected. 1905 – During his incumbency, the Provincial Capitol was built on the land donated by Felipa Santos (mother of Don Antonio Bautista) and Agapita Tiongson. The Associacion Femenista de Filipina Movement was organized in Bulacan, Bulacan headed by Doña Concha Felix. She was supported by Trinidad Rizal, Helen Wilson and other women leaders from Manila.