General Info
Basic Information you need to know about Bulacan
Daniel R. Fernando (2019-Present)
Personal Data:
Address: # 287 Tabang, Guiguinto, Bulacan
Birthday: May 12, 1962
Birthplace: Tabang, Guiguinto, Bulacan
Civil Status: Single
Father's Name: Pablo G. Ramirez (deceased)
Mother's Name: Luningning F. Ramirez
Educational Attainment:
Elementary: Tabang Elementary School
Secondary: Bulacan College of Arts and Trade (BCAT)
Tertiary: University of the East,
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Management Crash Course in Public Administration NCPAG,
University of the Philippines, Diliman
Political Experience:
Governor Province of Bulacan
Senior Board Member (6 years)
(2 Times Senior Board Member - Board Member with the highest number of votes in the province of Bulacan) 2nd District of Bulacan July 2001 - June 2007
Kabataang Barangay Chairman Tabang, Guiguinto, Bulacan 1980 - 1984
Awards and Recognitions in the Government Service:
2014 Outstanding Local Legislator (Vice Governor Category) Given by Superbrand
2014 Distinguished Alumni Achievement Awardee Given by the University of the East Caloocan Alumni Association Inc.
2013 Gintong Palad Public Service Awardee Given by the Movie Writers Welfare Foundation and Elements Marketing and Advertising Service
2012 Most Outstanding Public Servant Given by Gawad Amerika Award Celebrity Center, Los Angeles, California
2011 Most Outstanding Provincial Vice Governor Given by Press Media Affair Center (PMAC)
2011 Foremost Advocate of Good Government Given by PMAC
2011 Best Provincial Official of the Year Given by PMAC
2011 Exemplary Public Service Award Given by PMAC
1995 Natatanging Anak ng Bulacan Achievement Awards Most Outstanding Board Member Awardee from Central Luzon Media Association