General Info
Basic Information you need to know about Bulacan
Alejo S. Santos (1951-1957)
Born in Bustos in July 17, 1911 he has played an important role in the history of the town and of the province. He became a Bulacan Military Area commanding officer and his wartime exploits made him win.
He was elected congressman of the second district of Bulacan in 1949 and run against Jose Suntay and won the governorship after his term.
His administration had many significant achievements:
Gov. Santos upon assumption of office, began the beautification of the provincial grounds. He laid out the BMA park fronting the provincial capitol which featured Gen. Gregorio del Pilar's monument and the BMA flagpole.
Likewise, the tract filed of the athletic grounds were realigned and the grandstand constructed.
To give more space for students, a new high school at Marcelo H. del Pilar was constructed, added were the clinic and the Bulacan Branch Library.
The Mariano Ponce High School and the Bulacan National Agricultural School and were established. More building was constructed for the Bulacan Trade School.
A big number of feeder roads were also built or help the farmers in San Ildefonso, Baliuag, San Rafael, San Miguel, Angat, Norzagaray, Bustos and Sta. Maria. Artesian wells which were a priority of President Magsaysay's administration were also drilled.
All in all, 705 public works projects were constructed in Bulacan and the national government released Php 1.9 Million for these.
Being a lover of history, Gov. Santos conducted trips to Biak-na-Bato, Tirad Pass, Bataan, Corregidor and Kakarong.
He also initiated the collection of gravel fee.
Because of his popularity, he was re-elected governor but half his term President Garcia appointed him as Chairman of the Philippine Reparation Mission in Japan. Later he was named as Secretary of National Defense.
In 1967 he was appointed by President Marcos to head the prison bureau.
He is said to be a very positive man, that even in his guerilla days, when the prospects of licking the enemy seemed break, he would always maintain, “It can be done.”
Married to Juanita Garcia of Sabang, Gov. Santos had eight children.